Category: Improve Life

These 4 Apps Will Change Your Life

All of my life, I have been a pen and paper kind of gal. I love crossing things off my to-do list. I love keeping a paper planner for all of my upcoming appointments and things I need to remember. And yes, I am so guilty of overusing post-it notes …

Why You Need to Get Rid of Clutter in Your Home

Hmm, ever hear yourself say any of these? I can’t find my keys and I have to leave in 2 minutes!! Where are my shoes! My ride will be here any second!! My house is such a mess and I have no energy to do anything about it. No, you …

How to Get Personal Motivation

How many times have you done this? It’s 9:00 at night. You know you have a busy day tomorrow so you map out how you’re going to get it all done while also adding in some extra things you should do as well. You feel good about how you’re going …

Enjoy Your Home in 3 Simple Ways

  How would you feel if you could wake up on a tropical island? Step outside and feel the air all around you. The place that you’re in is serene. There’s bare minimum furniture around, a few pieces of art on the walls, and no visible clutter anywhere. Visualize this …

7 Ways Money Can Bring You Happiness

Can money bring you happiness? I used to think it didn’t. I mean, when someone wins the lottery, more times than not the winners end up worse than how they started. To understand that point, read this post from the Business Insider. Story after story, people were worse off …

Create a Better Life in 6 Easy Ways

  We recently went to my sister-in-law’s to celebrate my niece’s 17th birthday! It seemed very bittersweet. On one hand, it didn’t seem right that soon she’ll be away at college but on the other hand, I’m so happy for what life has in store for her. But with all …

How to Overcome Perfectionism Right Now

Ever struggle with perfectionism? Hardly finish anything because it just isn’t perfect enough in your eyes. But it also drives you crazy when something is out-of-place that you keep organized. You have your way of organizing and you need complete control over it. But does your perfectionism stand in your …

How The Book “Miracle Morning” Changed My Life

A while ago, I read a book called, Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod. I had heard about this book in a Facebook group and found myself reading a bunch of comments in this group about this amazing book. So many were recommending it so I had to give it a …

Clutter is Killing Your Happiness and it Doesn’t Have to

What word would you use to describe clutter? Overwhelming? Depressing? Draining? Having clutter in your home can feel like all of these things. It’s hard to know where to start and you think you don’t have the time or energy to begin. You’re paralyzed by the clutter in your home and you …

Kickstart Your Life in 3 Easy Ways

How many times have these thoughts crossed your mind? “I can’t do this, it’s too hard!” “No one will listen to me!” “I don’t have any skills!” “I wouldn’t do a good job!” Do any of these sound familiar? We’re really good at tearing ourselves down. Telling ourselves things we …

How to Change Your Expectations in Life

Have you ever worked on a project with someone and the person you were working with didn’t live up to your expectations? Maybe they didn’t do the work that you both agreed on. Maybe they did the work but it just wasn’t good enough or done right. Or it could …