Category: Productivity

7 Changes to Make to Set You Up For More Time

As moms, we do so much.  Between running kids to practice, getting our family fed, work schedules, and desperately trying to find 5 minutes to breathe, to say we feel overwhelmed is saying it all. We wish we could just add more time to the end of most days.  Just …

How to Make Your Day More Productive

Be More Productive Do you think time management is important?  Do you think it helps you be more productive? Well, I think if you answered yes, you’re correct.  Time management does help us get things done, brings order to our day, and leads us into a productive day.  But without …

How to Get Personal Motivation

How many times have you done this? It’s 9:00 at night. You know you have a busy day tomorrow so you map out how you’re going to get it all done while also adding in some extra things you should do as well. You feel good about how you’re going …

How to Overcome Perfectionism Right Now

Ever struggle with perfectionism? Hardly finish anything because it just isn’t perfect enough in your eyes. But it also drives you crazy when something is out-of-place that you keep organized. You have your way of organizing and you need complete control over it. But does your perfectionism stand in your …

Don’t Let Clutter Steal Your Time Anymore

. . CLUTTER IS OVERWHELMING AND IT COULD BE SABOTAGING YOUR LIFE. LET’S GET RID OF CLUTTER SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR LIFE BACK.   Take a look at your home. How does it make you feel? Does it settle you, make you feel calm, and bring your happiness? Or …

8 Ways to Smash Procrastination

How do you feel when you don’t do something you were supposed to do?  Are you okay with it or do you beat yourself up over it?  I guess it might depend on the situation.  For instance, if it’s something that’s very important and you put it off, you might …

Time Block Your Day and Get More Done

How do you go about remembering all of your tasks?  Do you try to keep all those thoughts and ideas in your head and hope to not miss any? Or do you write things down as you think of them and then cross off what’s done? Either of these is …

How to be Productive When You Feel Stuck

Have you ever had a bunch of time on your hands (kids went away for a week with their grandparents, you took a week off from work and had a quiet house to yourself) where there were little to no interruptions? Or maybe you are reading this and thinking that …

How to Master Your To-Do List with Bullet Journaling

I recently read a book about Bullet Journaling.  Have you ever heard of it?  I had no idea about it and now, I’m interested in trying it to see if it’s the right planning system for me.  I like that I can adapt it to my specific needs.  I’m not …

When You Feel Stuck and Don’t Know Why

I like to plan for things. Plan my meals for the week. Plan my cleaning schedule to tell me what to clean each day. A plan that tells me my must do’s for the week and any arrangements and commitments I have. So much of my life is planned out.  …

10 Ways to Ease Anxiety During Your Next Move

  Moving. Most of us have done this some time in our life. Maybe it was moving with your family growing up, moving away to college, or moving when you’re an adult. You’ve probably experienced it but chances are, you didn’t love it and hope it never happens again. You …

Add More Time to Your Day

Are you always tired at the end of the day?  Dread the start of a new day for what has to get done? Feel overwhelmed by the constant demands and struggles that life throws at you? We all get the same amount of hours each day but some days, that …