Clutter is Killing Your Happiness and it Doesn’t Have to

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What word would you use to describe clutter? Overwhelming? Depressing? Draining? Having clutter in your home can feel like all of these things. It’s hard to know where to start and you think you don’t have the time or energy to begin. You’re paralyzed by the clutter in your home and you feel there is no way out.

But by ignoring the clutter in your home, you’re hurting your well-being. Clutter kills our energy and our creativity. What is the clutter in your home doing to you that you’re not realizing?

Even though it’s challenging to think about it all, it’s worth it to try to declutter. I have found the benefits of clearing out the clutter and I’m here to show you that doing so, will bring you happiness. Don’t you think that’s worth it?


Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!


What is Clutter Doing to You?

I recently read a book by Gretchen Rubin called The Happiness Project and according to Rubin, research states that “eliminating clutter would cut down the amount of housework in the average home by 40 percent”. Now, who wouldn’t want to cut down on housework?

I know I do! I do not enjoy doing housework and I’ll look for any possible way to reduce it. So if this is you and you dread the thought of doing housework, wouldn’t it be beneficial to cut down on your housework? Eliminating clutter can do that.

Do You Feel Guilty?

Another way clutter in your home could be hurting your well-being is the feeling of guilt. Do you have any guilt looking at your clutter? You might be holding on to things that you regret buying. It could be impulse buying of things you just thought you had to have. But if you get rid of the clutter, you wouldn’t be reminded daily of your bad choices and the guilty feelings you have for them.

Is Clutter Killing Your Happiness?

Too Many Choices?

When it comes to picking out clothes in the morning, is it a quick, painless job or do you spend more time than you’d like deciding on what to wear? If it’s difficult to find something to wear, could it be that you have too many choices to pick from? Having too many choices of something (like clothes) can feel overwhelming. It can make you feel paralyzed. I know I’d rather decide between 2 pairs of black pants than trying to decide between 4 or 5 of them. A couple of choices are good but too many are overwhelming.

If you struggle with this, try minimizing what’s in your closet. There are many ideas on how to do this but the best ones I have found that explain the capsule wardrobe and the 40 hanger closet are these.

Related: Don’t Let Clutter Steal Your Time Anymore

Brings Happiness

Clearing clutter lifts your spirits too. It’s so draining when a room or a whole house is cluttered. I had recently decluttered our spare room and cleaned the entire space. Now, every time I walk by that room, I stop and just look in. It brings me contentment and joy. It puts a smile on my face and gives me the motivation to work on another project.

Is Clutter Killing Your Happiness?

Take Baby Steps

Decluttering can be an enormous job. And it might feel like you’ll never get your whole home decluttered. The trick is to start small. Start in a drawer or a closet and start with things that don’t have sentimental value. When you’re done with your space, just enjoy it. See how it feels getting that area of your home decluttered, no matter how small. Take that feeling and when you’re ready, do another area of your home. Let each project fuel you to do another.

When you’ve finished an area, share before and after pictures on social media. People love seeing those photos and you’ll love all the comments. Make sure to share it here too, I’d love to see your hard work and cheer you on too!

Remember, clutter kills our energy and our creativity. Wouldn’t you want to have more of both of those?

You can! Decluttering will boost your energy and your creativity which will bring you happiness. Now it’s your job to start and find that happiness.

Related: 7 Tips to Always Having a Clean Home

I hope you’ve been inspired to put this change into your life. If it has, please share that in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!




Living room with furniture and coffee tableKitchen table and chairsIs Clutter Killing Your Happiness?


Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!

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