Don’t Let Clutter Steal Your Time Anymore

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Take a look at your home. How does it make you feel? Does it settle you, make you feel calm, and bring your happiness? Or does it make you feel stressed and overwhelmed? If you answered to the last point, your home is cluttered. Clutter kills our energy and our creativity so it’s hard to feel calm when you home is in disarray.


Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!

While we know this, we might also feel like we’ll never get ahead of our clutter. We feel it will take too much time to clear all the clutter and we just don’t have the time to deal with it. But although you might be right and the clutter in your home may take you weeks or even months to get it all cleared out and organized, is a cluttered home really saving your time?

In reality, your cluttered home is actually causing you more time each and every day than you may realize. I have identified three ways in which your cluttered home is causing you more time and I have listed them below.


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3 Ways Clutter is Stealing Your Time


1...Think of all the time you waste looking for things. On average, people spend about 30 minutes a day looking for their stuff. How many times have you lost your cell phone in your home? Or your car keys? How many times have you had to look for clean clothes to wear? How many times have you lost time finding everyday items? I bet it has been a lot and you may not even realize how much time it’s costing you.

But yet, you could take about half of that time every day and work at clearing out the clutter and organizing what you want to keep.

If you could save about 30 minutes A DAY just by getting your home clean and organized, wouldn’t this be so much easier for you?


2...When I asked you to look at your home and really feel how you felt about your home, you reacted with feeling stressed and overwhelmed. The reason you reacted this way is clutter increases our anxiety. And when we feel anxious and overwhelmed, our energy is killed. Just that feeling has us not wanting to do anything. We have to fight with ourselves to get things done in our home.

But, if we took the time each day to clear out the clutter, our anxiety over the condition of our home would diminish. Our feeling of overwhelm would decrease. And we would slowly get our energy back. And with increased energy, we would feel like we have more time every day because we have the energy to do more things. Ask yourself, wouldn’t you want this for yourself? Wouldn’t you want more energy to do the things you love?

Related: Clutter is Killing Your Happiness and it Doesn’t Have to


Don't Let Clutter Steal Your Time Anymore: Watchful Spender - a cluttered room


3...How much time does it take for you to clean your home? My guess is it takes you longer to clean your home because of all the clutter. In the popular book, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, she discovered in her research that “eliminating clutter would cut down the amount of housework in the average home by 40 percent“.

If you could decrease your housework by up to 40%, why wouldn’t you want to get rid of the clutter? Think about that.



Final Thoughts


I know you may be looking at a tremendous amount of work to get your home under control and this isn’t a quick fix but by taking time each day or each week to actively work at clearing out the clutter, you’ll start making progress. This is important – your home didn’t get disorganized and cluttered in a day so don’t expect it to be clutter-free and organized quickly either. Give yourself grace for any progress you make.

Start small. Work in a small closet or a drawer. Don’t stress yourself out by taking on a project that’s too big. Work when you can, even 15 minutes is better than no time at all. Celebrate each win no matter how small it is.

You can have a home that brings you joy and saves you time. Remember, clearing the clutter will save you time by making things easier to find, by decreasing your anxiety and giving you more energy, and by decreasing your housework every single day.

Start today and reward yourself for every step you take to clearing out the clutter. You can do this, I believe in you. And I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way. Share your pictures with me at the progress you’ve made. We can do this together!


Can you think of any other ways having a clutter-free home saves you time?



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Clutter is stealing your timeDon't Let Clutter Steal Your Time Anymore: Watchful Spender - a clutter-free homeClutter is stealing your time












Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!

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