Over 25 Lists to Organize Your Life

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Life can be crazy. We have so many ideas in our heads and sometimes hundreds of things to do on our never-ending to-do lists. Every day is just like the last and we can’t seem to get ahead no matter how hard we try. We feel like we’re running around in circles and at the end of the day, we’re exhausted but also feel like we didn’t get much accomplished.

It’s frustrating and we need a better way so our day doesn’t feel so overwhelming before it even begins.

I get it. I used to be so frustrated by my days.  There were so many things swirling around in my head but I didn’t know how to get it all out. I wanted a place to store all of my thoughts, ideas, and everything else in my head but have it all in one place. Sure, a planner could work but for me, I didn’t have enough space for everything I wanted to use it for.  


Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!

So then I thought about bullet journaling and gave it a try.  That lasted about 6 months but realized I’m just not a very creative person (but a perfectionist) and staring at the same blank page that I had to put my own creativity in to make it suit my needs didn’t thrill me much.

I kept searching and found the system that lets me keep all of my thoughts, ideas, and everything I want to track all in one place. No matter where I’m at, I can access it as long as I have internet access. I can even change the background to give it a new look.  

So what am I talking about that lets me do all these things? Trello!! Trello is an online workspace that lets you keep your thoughts and ideas organized on boards. Within each board, you can change the background to be a solid color or a beautiful picture. And you can change it as many times as you’d like. 

On each board, you collect your ideas by making lists and in each list, you organize your ideas on cards. I wrote up a post on everything there is to know about Trello so please check it out if you’re unfamiliar with Trello.

Now, when I said it can organize your life, I meant it. Here are a bunch of ideas for lists you can create in Trello and trust me, you can do more than just this list. Any idea you can think of can be organized in Trello.

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A computer, microphone, and books on a desk

Here’s my list of favorites and a few other ideas.

  • Books to read. Ever get an idea on a book to read but then wonder where you’ll put it? This was my problem. I would get a book recommended by a friend or read a review online and want to read it. Problem was, I had lists all over the place. They were in my phone, planner or bullet journal, and on random pieces of paper. But Trello, I always know where my phone is or my computer, so if I get a book idea, I can hop on Trello and add it to my Books to Read board. Problem solved.
  • Places to visit. When inspiration sparks, where do we write down these ideas?  Now, when vacation planning is underway, hop onto this board and see where you and your family want to visit.  
  • Things to do today. Sure any piece of paper will do but what happens when you run out and forget that list. Or if you’re post-it note-obsessed like me, sure they’re great to use too but the look of those when they’re all around your desk or wall. I don’t know about you but I work better when there isn’t a bunch of clutter around me.


  • Brain dump. I can get more out of my brain when I type versus when I write. This is my preference and love Trello for it.  And you can move cards to any other boards so if you have an idea during a brain dump, then realize that idea belongs on another board you created, it’s easy to move it.
  • Bills to be paid. The option to add due dates to cards makes keeping track of bills an easy solution. I don’t use Trello for this but it’s certainly an option.
  • Online content you want to read. We don’t always have the time to read what we find online.  If you find yourself in this situation, just simply drag the article you’d like to read later into a Trello card and it will add it as an attachment that you can view at a later time.
  • Food diary. If you want to track your food, you could use Trello for this. Or log your calories for each day. Then, it’s all in one place.
A display of planners, notepads, and paperclips
  • Grocery list. This way you can’t forget your list unless you forget your phone. I guess we’ve all done that before but not too often. We’ll always remember our phones more than a piece of paper. With the checklist option in Trello, it makes adding a grocery list very simple, and being able to cross items off your list makes shopping much easier.
  • Shopping list. For everything that isn’t groceries. Then when you happen to be at a store that carries what you need, you can pull up your list for that particular store to see what you need.
  • Wish list. We all have these lists. Things we hope to buy but don’t have the money right now to do so. Just add it to Trello so you’ll know where it is if and when you can buy it. And you’ll never forget an idea either.
  • Favorite recipes. Again with the attachment function, you can easily add a recipe.  It keeps everything in one place and you’ll be able to organize it any way you’d like. And since it’s simple to duplicate cards, you can have the same recipe in different recipe lists if it makes sense to.
  • Restaurants you want to try. Date night options. When you need one, they’re right there for you.
  • Things that need to be returned. Never forget something that has to go back to a store. Just keep a list in Trello and check it before you leave so you’ll know what to grab.


  • TV shows to watch.  Just keep a log of the shows you’d like to watch and add a label for the shows you’ve already seen so you’ll know at a glance what you haven’t watched yet.
  • Log your steps.  If you want to keep a record of your steps each day, you can keep a log in Trello.
  • Your different moods. Keep track of how you’re feeling and if you aren’t into drawing it out as you see in a lot of bullet journaling, this might be the best solution for you.
Slippers by a computer
  • What you’re grateful for.  Keep a gratitude journal in Trello.  When thoughts hit you that make you smile, add them.  Then when you’re down and not feeling the best, just look over your list of things you’re thankful for and it’s guaranteed to change your mood.
  • Flossing teeth. I have a hard time remembering to do this every day and then I could never remember when the last time I did. Now I know how often I’m doing it and I’m staying more committed since I started tracking it.
  • Watering plants.  If you’d like to remember this but keep forgetting, you can keep that list in Trello.  I wasn’t blessed with a green thumb and can’t seem to get into the habit of doing it the same day every week so I like to track it in Trello.  Do what works for you.
  • Cleaning schedule.  Unless you have your cleaning schedule on a routine, it’s tough to remember when the last time you washed your comforter or duvet cover or cleaned the kitchen sink.  Keep a log so you’ll never forget. 
  • When you last changed or serviced something.  Ever wonder when the last time the filter in your furnace was changed? Or when the last time the oil was changed in your car? Just log the details in Trello so you’re able to look back and see when something was changed or serviced.
  • Relationships to make stronger.  Sometimes we want to make more of an effort with a friend or acquaintance.  Keep a log of who you want to do this with and strive to reconnect with one a week or a month.  Life gets away from us if we don’t make an effort.  

  • Spending habits. If you want to know where all your money goes every month, track it in Trello? Just log your day’s purchases at the end of each day and sometimes it’s an eye-opener to see why you can’t seem to save any money.


  • Your grocery/ dining out total for the week. If you want to start a budget, you can keep your weekly or monthly totals in Trello.
  • Reading minutes.  Log your minutes each day so you can easily look back to see how you’re doing and it’s all in one place.
  • Products you like. I had a problem remembering the specific makeup foundation I like to use so I took a picture of it and now store it in Trello on a board I call “My Products”. Now, whenever I want to remember a product I really like, I add it here so I’ll never forget the details about it. When I’m at the store, I know all of the products I use.
  • Daily walking. I have a goal to walk at least 4 nights a week with my husband so every time I walk, I log it in Trello. Otherwise, my days run into the next and I won’t remember if I walked for four nights or not.

Final Thoughts 

Don’t forget another thing.  Have Trello be your memory bank for the things you want to remember and let it organize your life.  There also isn’t a limit to how many personal boards you’d like to create so the possibilities are endless.  

I use a lot of these ideas myself. For me, I use a planner for my schedule and use Trello to organize all those countless thoughts and ideas in my head. And I love how they’re all stored in one place and not cluttering up my workspace.  

Give Trello a chance today. I think you’ll be pleased with its capabilities.

If you’ve used Trello before, what do you like best about it? 

Pick your favorite pin to reference later:

Get organized with these list ideas! And use Trello to keep it all in one place! It's a perfect pairing, get started today!
Get organized with these list ideas! And use Trello to keep it all in one place! It's a perfect pairing, get started today!
Get organized with these list ideas! And use Trello to keep it all in one place! It's a perfect pairing, get started today!


Ever feel like you're spinning out of control? Are you longing for a calmer life? My Happy Life Starter Guide will give you the 3 steps to beat overwhelm so YOU can start living a happier life. Get it now while it’s free!

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